Why You Should Avoid Plumbing Remodels Without a Permit
Plumbing without a permit sounds like a great idea at first. No waiting, no extra money, the city can’t just drop in, so it seems like the easiest way to save some cash and get your kitchen or bathroom remodeling project started.
Except this idea is far from a good one. In fact, it could cost you dearly in the long run–and not just financially. We’re going to discuss a few reasons to reconsider opting out of a plumbing permit for any remodeling project.
Keep reading for more information!
Licensed Plumbers Know What’s Best for Your Home
Licensed professional plumbers are already familiar with the process of obtaining permits. They know how long it takes and how much it costs.
They also know that a kitchen or bathroom remodeling project that doesn’t have one could be stopped in its tracks. Truly, the only type of plumber that would encourage proceeding without a permit is one that isn’t licensed and likely does shoddy work.
This type of work will leave you without a leg to stand on when something goes wrong, and you need to file an insurance claim. Remember, insurance companies won’t always pay for claims that are concerning unlicensed or un-permitted work.
Remodels Without Permits Always Risk City Fines
In some areas when people proceed with a remodeling project without a permit, the city can place a stop order. After the stop work order, the city can demand any changes made without a permit be removed.
This removal process could easily require a demolition permit, which you’ll have to pay for as well. This might seem like a worst-case scenario, and it could be.
Chances are, if a permit is required and you don’t obtain one, you’ll still end up with a nice-sized fine–even if you don’t have to remove the additions.
Shoddy Plumbing is a Safety Concern for Your Home
Of course, cities want to make money by issuing permits. However, the fees collected are secondary to keeping you and your family safe.
When plumbing is installed correctly, the likelihood of mold and mildew decreases substantially. Plumbing that is placed incorrectly will leak. Leaking water will cause mold and mildew to grow.
Mold and mildew is a problem no one wants and is expensive to fix. It can also cause illnesses like asthma and upper respiratory infections. The other safety concern is the fact that leaky pipes can leave water on the floor. Little ones aren’t always the most observant and could easily slip and hurt themselves.
Make the Right Call – Choose Davis Home Services
Chances are, you can easily get away with not having a permit for your kitchen or bathroom remodeling project. The biggest question is, why would you want to?
When deciding on the right professional for the job, call Davis Plumbing. We offer 24/7 emergency services, upfront pricing, and your satisfaction. At Davis Home Services, we pride ourselves on doing things right–and if they’re not, we want to fix them!